Attestati - Certificates

I had the opportunity to meet the excellent musician Antonio Raffone during his training in the composition class at the Conservatory of Music in Salerno.From the beginning he showed a fervent inventive ability through his first compositional works.In fact, I remember with interest the formulas that he conceived concerning a very personal modulatory process system in parallel with other experimental works of both classical and contemporary style.Curious about instrumental problems, he took part as an auditor for the duration of a school year in my violin lessons at the Conservatory of Music in Avellino, interacting with the other students and with me always in an intuitive and perceptive way with regard to violin technique.Through his works you can see over the years a search for his own style and a meticulous care for harmonization.Characteristic of his compositional talent is the strong musicality that permeates all his works making them rich of inspiration.
Mauro TortorelliViolinist, concert violinist and teacher of Violin at the Conservatory of Music of Potenza and national and international Academies of specialization.

ATTESTATIONBy these presents I declare that Mr ANTONIO RAFFONE took my course in Conducting Baroque Music at the Chigiana Academy in Siena in the summer of 1989.He made extraordinary progress in a short time and showed great musical talent, as well as great ability in conducting baroque music. He unites in the happiest manner precision with musical feeling and impetus.Vienna, 19/9/90.

Dear Antonio,I'm glad you remembered me. I remember you as a cheerful and modest person, who with his enthusiasm was able to instill a little confidence in the soul of a young teacher at his first teaching experiences. And I am grateful for that.Do you remember the correction to a counterpoint of yours that, thanks to my multicolored signs and annotations, you called "naive picture", in general hilarity?Let's talk over the phone, I will be pleased. I will listen with interest to your compositions.A cordial greeting and thank you.ClaudioP.S. You can find something of mine to download on Petrucci website.Go to the letter "D" and find my name.

Dear Antonio Raffone, best wishes for 1992!Excuse me if I write to you only now.I could hear your music only now. Many sincere compliments!! I like music and execution so much.You are a very good musician with sincere feelings!
Thank youRene' Clemencic

Dear Antonio,I'm glad you remembered me. I remember you as a cheerful and modest person, who with his enthusiasm was able to instill a little confidence in the soul of a young teacher at his first teaching experiences. And I am grateful for that.Do you remember the correction to a counterpoint of yours that, thanks to my multicolored signs and annotations, you called "naive picture", in general hilarity?Let's talk over the phone, I will be pleased. I will listen with interest to your compositions.A cordial greeting and thank you.ClaudioP.S. You can find something of mine to download on Petrucci website.Go to the letter "D" and find my name.

Milan, 28/01/1994Dear Maestro Raffone,I have listened to the recordings you have kindly sent me and I make you my compliments for your work.Best regards.

From Cesano Maderno arrives this refined demo by Antonio Raffone. This composer of undoubted talent aims at writing sound tracks for films, documentaries or advertising spots. With a notable set of instruments and a praiseworthy musical culture, he produces a “New Age” type of music, though this classification is over-penalising for the enormous quantity of musical “contamination” that can be perceived in his compositions.The piece in question, “Tiziana”, really carries the listener with it, is very well arranged and suited to the sonorizzazione; personally I consider it very suitable for a nature documentary about the depths of the sea, or at any rate for something “aquatic”…We are certain that Antonio Raffone will soon receive the recognition he deserves.

I the undersigned, Enrico Renna, declare that Mr Antonio Raffone, born at Castellammare di Stabia on 02/09/1957 and resident in the same city in Via Don Minzoni 61, is taking a course under my guidance in reading musical scores and preparation to become a conductor of orchestras.Naples, 20/04/1988.

I the undersigned, Ferdinando Mastellone, Prior of the Archconfraternity “SS. Immacolata” ATTESTthat Mr. Antonio Raffone, born at Castellammare di Stabia on 2 September 1957, prepared and directed the choir for four voices in Perosi’s Miserere with professional mastery and ability in the years 1987 and 1988 on the occasion of the rites for Holy Week.

I'm not just the sound engineer but the one who chose the songs in a period and in a context where they didn't even know Pink Floyd.